With the increase in crimes such as identity theft in the financial system, it is undeniable not to take the next step. Learn how to combat this type of fraud during digital processes for the placement of your products and services.
Our priority is that you are sure that your clients are really the people they say they are when applying for loans or credits, through agile and secure identity verification flows.
Fraud for theft and identity theft is a crime that is committed in order to obtain economic resources without the authorization of the victim. With Cloud identity, streamline remote validation processes. Reduce up to 98% fraud due to theft and identity theft.
"60% of companies in Mexico have suffered identity theft, breach of information security or another type of cyberattack, but the country is part of the drafting of the new international convention to combat cybercrime” - Said Martha Delgado Peralta, Undersecretary of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Mexican Foreign Ministry.
5 tips to prevent this type of fraud:
Make your customers feel safe.
You have to know that the use of biometric data generates constant opinions. Therefore, be clear and concise about the type of biometrics you need to extract, the use of the data, the storage and security of the data.
Inform your customers through the use of terms and conditions, privacy notice or rules that protect their personal information, with this you will make the customer feel safe while accessing your digital products and services.
Cloud Identity, has important certifications by (NIST / iBeta) that guarantee that the platform will not be violated, it also complies with different local and international regulations such as UNCITRAL Model Laws for Electronic Commerce or eIDAS, best practices for KYC / AML on processes for customer knowledge and the prevention of money laundering.
Offer better experiences
More and more companies in the financial sector are turning to technological means to offer safe and practical experiences to their customers; from a mobile device and remotely, are the new ways to access all your digital offer.
Integrating Cloud Identity into your company will provide your end users with the following experiences:
- Protection of your identity
- More agile processes
- Easy to use
- Security
- Fraud-proof processes
The difference between choosing one platform or another lies in the trust that companies offer to the user.
The best Background Check site to apply it on your company
The background check is important to ensure the security of your company's negotiations. Learn more about this practice now!
Multibiometric: the key to an efficient and secure insurance industry
Find out how multi-biometric technology can improve the efficiency and security of the insurance sector and increase financial inclusion in Latin America.
Use databases that offer fast, safe and reliable results.
One of the constants in the financial sector is the improvement in data storage and its use. For this reason, technological advances allow the determination of more precise systems such as ABIS (Automated Biometric Identification System). Cloud Identity enrolls in a biometric engine: voice, fingerprints and facial biometrics, to later validate, process and save them for later consultation. The main advantages of this process are to ensure that the search result is as foolproof as possible and that our biometric database is free of duplicates. Companies add value to their services with these benefits:
- Security of the information
- efficient operation
- Quick search results
- Easy implementation, robustness and scalability
- High precision value
- cloud infrastructure
With Cloud Identity you will be able to perform the capture of biometric and biographical data, biometric-based enrollment of identities, identity validation and much more, quickly and safely.
Simplify processes for clients
The drive for self-service has seen technology evolve in unexpected ways. And in terms of issues that concern the financial system, technology is not far behind. Cloud identity is a benchmark in terms of technology versatility for the end user. It has 3 modalities that can be executed from a mobile device, capture devices and from the web. Self-service: the user performs the process himself. ExecutiveExecutive: an executive accompanies the user in the process. Branch: the user carries out the process in a branch or financial institution. Personalized experiences allow participants to be involved in the prevention of fraud such as identity theft and impersonation.
Update security control in the company
Regarding security, companies in the financial sector have sophisticated systems that allow access control and equipment. This is one of the practices that best respond to efforts to combat identity theft. Among the processes that companies control to avoid damage or some type of fraud in companies are:
- Access control
- Presence control
- Safe online browsing
- Securely configure access equipment
- Comply with local regulations and information security certifications
It is very important to extend the latter to technology providers, NAAT.TECH is an ISO/IEC 27001 certified company, keeping any information security risk under control.
Meet Cloud Identity
We recognize the need for the financial system to improve security for its clients and reduce risks in the placement of financial products and services. For this reason, we remain at the forefront by offering our clients the most reliable platform in the world. The platform has an end-to-end process, without friction and omnichannel, which adapts to the needs of your users. A brief tour of how Cloud Identity works:
- Authenticate the ID of your users
- Capture your fingerprints
- Perform a 3D life test
- Record your voice through a video recording
- Enrolls all collected data in a biometric engine in the cloud
In this way, you can accelerate the digital onboarding of new clients with greater security than face-to-face methods. Today, financial inclusion shows a panorama open to those who decide to invest in the use of multi-biometric data to place financial products and services. Identity is the most important thing we have in the digital world, help us protect it!